Starting 27 March, Giniger presented in De Inkijk a selection of window sill displays, collected from homes in different parts of Amsterdam. Every day, adding to the already exhibited displays, another display was unveiled and exhibited in its original state. While the objects are on display, a sign is placed on the empty window sill of the person loaning the objects, indicating that they are ‘on temporary loan’. The title of Giniger’s work refers to the signs that hang in museums when a particular work from the permanent collection is on loan.
In Tijdelijke Bruikleen/On Temporary Loan is the fourth and last project for The Precarious State, a series of projects that was initiated by SKOR in 2008 and held at De Inkijk. Artists Eliza Newman-Saul, Paloma Polo, Katarina Zdjelar and Noa Giniger have been commissioned to develop works that reflect upon the concept of identity.
Floriaan Ganzevoort created the lights for the instalation of Giniger. The light gives – from certain perspectives – the impression that the spectator sees something he or she shouldn’t see. There are connotations with theatre where you can look behind the scenes, intended or unintended. The light changed during the day, but when the street was at its busiest, the window sills were glowing with light.