Floriaan Ganzevoort
Floriaan Ganzevoort is a lighting designer for theatre, music, dance and spaces of all kinds. He graduated in Theatre Studies at the University of Amsterdam on the subject ‘Light as a dramaturgical means’. Since 2000, he has designed lighting for various companies. As a result of his dramaturgical background, the light he designs is always strongly connected to the content of the piece. He specializes on the sequence of light images and the timing thereof.
During his studies he worked as technical coordinator for the choreographers Emio Greco and Pieter Scholten, undertaking technical production as well as working as sound and light operator on both national and international tours. He also made lighting designs for their company.
As a lighting designer Floriaan has worked with the Dutch National Opera & Ballet, Dutch National Touring Opera, Springdance Festival, Toneelmakerij, Anouk van Dijk, NBE (Nederlands Blazers Ensemble), Merlijn Twaalfhoven and Asko|Schönberg.